6 Things that Make RIP-IT Unique

1. Love It or Return It

From our humble beginnings in 2003 RIP-IT has offered a «Love it or return it» policy for everything we sell. «Love it or return it» is our promise to our customers that we stand behind the performance of our products. Simply put, love your RIP-IT product or let us know. We'll always make it right. Learn more about «Love it or return it» here.

2. Unlimited Warranty Replacements

RIP-IT is the only baseball and softball company that offers a 400-day warranty with unlimited replacements on every product we make. It is our way of saying that you can count on us to make sure you have the equipment you need throughout your season. Learn more about our warranty here.

3. Treating Customers Right


We like being treated well by others so we decided to build a company that focuses on treating our customers exceptionally well. At RIP-IT we literally do everything in our power to make the customer experience an unforgettable positive interaction. From our cheerful and helpful customer service reps to our lightning fast warranty replacements, RIP-IT was designed from the ground up to service our customers in an amazing way.

4. Built on Core Values

As a company grows and becomes more successful it is easy to forget what got you there. At RIP-IT we created our core values to help us remember what is important in both business and life. Whenever we are unsure about our direction as a company we refer to our core values to help us make the right decision and keep us on track to becoming the most exceptional sporting goods manufacturer in the world. Learn more about our core values here.

5. Work Can Also Be Fun

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At Google, they say you can be serious without wearing a suit. At RIP-IT we believe that that statement fits our work style perfectly. This is why as a company we participate in co-ed softball and flag football leagues, field days, FIT-BIT challenges, provide company-wide lunch every Friday and have a gym in our office for people to workout.

6. Hire Great People



When we hire new people at RIP-IT we place a huge emphasis on making sure they are not only great at what they do, but great people. To work at RIP-IT applicants have to show they can not only do the work needed to get done, fit within our company's culture. It takes a special person to work at RIP-IT, the type of person who values doing the right thing, not the easy thing. The people who work here are the secret sauce and is why RIP-IT accomplishes everything we set out to achieve.